Not all Border Collies need to herd sheep to live a happy and satisfied life BUT they do need an appropriate amount of physical exercise and mental training to be happy and healthy dogs.
Herding is inbuilt into the Border Collie and the eye, stalk, chase herding behaviour is both what makes them brilliant and can get them into trouble.
If you don't understand what makes them tick then their brilliant brain which makes them learn quickly can start to entertain itself. Inappropriate herding of children or cars may occur or they may try to control the movement of other dogs in the park or even the people they live with. If eyeing, stalking and chasing doesn't work then they may nip.
Life can in fact become really stressful for a Border Collie who has no idea what you want them to do. Often their 'unwanted' behaviour is just genetics informing them of what to do. But needing to control movement of everything in the vicinity is a high pressured job which can make them anxious or out of control.
Not all Border Collies need to herd sheep to be happy and relaxed but they do need to know what they should be doing instead. The clearer communication you have with a Collie the happier and more relaxed they will be. They love to use their brains and that is why they make good sport dogs using both their bodies and their brains.
Mental training can be just as satisfying for a Border Collie as running and so it is important to find a balance in both.
Relentlessly chasing a thrown ball can cause over arousal for a Collie and create an adrenalin junkie.
Thinking you can exercise them enough to wear them out may just create a fitter dog that can keep going for even longer so the right amount and type of exercise and training is important to consider.
A lack of physical exercise and they may become frustrated and destructive and too much and they may become obsessive.
You will never remove herding instinct from a Border Collie and neither should you want to. Instead put it under control and work with your dog. Train your dog, not for the sake of training but for the sake of your dog.
If you are an owner who doesn't herd livestock with your Border Collie you will need to be inventive in your training. Agility, obedience, trick training, canicross, scent work, man trailing.
The list of activities you can do with your Border Collie is larger now than ever so pick something and enjoy your dog.
If you need help training your Border Collie and want to join the waitlist for the DingBatt to Dreamboat Collie Academy then sign up