I provide a wide range of online training and courses to support you with your training needs.
We can work with you and your dog no matter where you live in the world. Please find below our online courses.
Here at DingBatt Dog Training we know that training is simple but also appreciate that it is not always easy. We therefore offer programmes of different levels to cater for individuals needs with varying levels of additional support for maximum results.
A monthly membership providing kind and effective Border Collie specific training in a supportive community.
There are monthly themed topics, live training, Q&A sessions and personalised support in our community group.
Would you like to have a calmer Border Collie?
Learn how to calm your Border Collie, and have a happier dog without having to spend hours training each day.
Have you ever wondered why your training isn't working or why your Border Collie seems so different to other dogs?
five day training program
is a perfect way to learn more about this genius breed and the common training mistakes you might be making!
Raise your puppy to be your Dreamboat companion & avoid common training mistakes .
Although the summit may be over you can still watch all 15 presentations and they'll be yours to keep!
The summit topics included:
Be sure to check out all the speakers by clicking the button below!
Gain access to all 15 recordings from the second Border Collie Summit.
The summit themes were:
Click the link to see all the speakers.
Although the summit may be over you can still watch all 15 presentations and they'll be yours to keep!
The summit themes were:
Be sure to check out all the speakers by clicking the button below!
Make sure your Border Collie is living their best life with this Enrichment Bundle!
The bundle includes three different training courses:
Save over £100 with this bundle!
Courses For All Dogs
The Dog Agility Summit was dedicated to helping you to simplify, streamline and improve your agility training by creating clarity for dogs and handlers so you can have more fun while developing greater success.
The Dog Training Summit is jam packed with practical and actionable trainings to help you become a better trainer for your dog. Learn from our experts so you can achieve your dog training goals.
Are you fed up with your dog running off, ignoring you when you call, jumping all over people and generally making life difficult?
This 30 day challenge is a perfect way to start building a better bond with your dog. These exercises will fit easily into your day and won't take up too much time!
Want to have more fun with your dog?
Learn how to teach your dog 30 new tricks with this video training which gives you step by step instructions.