Specialist Border Collie Dog Trainer

If you need help with your car chasing,

lead pulling, over reactive Border Collie

then you're in the right place.


How my struggle lead to my biggest breakthrough

I’m a dog trainer and I specialise in working with owners of Border Collies, and their crosses.

I’m a Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, Real Dog Yoga instructor and Force Free Trick Trainer with over 4 years of experience.

I know what it’s like to dream of having a dog you can take anywhere, enjoy walking and have an amazing bond with. 

I’m lucky enough to experience this with my dogs. 

But it wasn’t always this way…

I thought I understood ‘dog’ but the moment Ding came along, I struggled. I had never experienced a dog like him. He suffered from every OCD behaviour going, separation frustration and aggression to people. He bit me daily and I still remember that first bite. It shook me to my core. 

I had been confident in my abilities as a dog trainer but here was a dog I rescued from Battersea, making me question everything.  I had 4 other behaviourists and trainers telling me to send him back, or worse still to put him down. I regularly sat at my kitchen table and cried, great big tears of anger, frustration, despair and disappointment that I was failing this dog. 

But something wouldn’t let me quit. 

Eventually, I found someone who could help us and today I have the best relationship with my boy. It’s a relationship I never dreamt was possible.
My DingBatt has turned into a Dreamboat.

My dogs have been my biggest teachers. Mini is a sensitive soul who needs her training broken down into the tiniest of steps. Ding is a child genius who needs clear direction and enough stimulation to keep his busy brain satisfied. They have both made me read, learn and find new ways. 

From this I developed my new framework ‘DingBatt to Dreamboat’. 

A unique methodology to turn your crazy, car chasing Collie into a wonderful, calm companion.

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